Column-wise MLE of the angular Gaussian and the von Mises Fisher distributions: Column-wise MLE of the angular Gaussian and the von Mises Fisher distributions
Column-wise MLE of the angular Gaussian and the von Mises Fisher distributions.
A matrix with four columns. The first two are the mean vector, then the \(\gamma\) parameter, and the fourth
column contains maximum log-likelihood.
A numerical matrix with data. Each column refers to a different vector of observations of the same distribution.
The values of for Lognormal must be greater than zero, for the logitnormal they must by percentages, exluding 0 and 1,
whereas for the Borel distribution the x must contain integer values greater than 1.
The tolerance value to terminate the Newton-Raphson algorithm.
The maximum number of iterations that can take place in each regression.
Do you want this to be executed in parallel or not. The parallel takes place in C++, and the number of threads
is defined by each system's availiable cores.
Michail Tsagris.
R implementation and documentation: Michail Tsagris
For each column, spml.mle function is applied that fits the angular Gaussian distribution estimates
its parameters and computes the maximum log-likelihood.
Presnell Brett, Morrison Scott P. and Littell Ramon C. (1998). Projected multivariate linear models for directional data.
Journal of the American Statistical Association, 93(443): 1068--1077.